Rethinking plastic wealth: towards GIS-based circular economy

Taita Taveta County, Mwatate Sub County, Rong’e Ward, Mariwenyi Village

Environmental concerns and natural disasters management (floods, landslides, deforestation etc)

Specific Problem or Need –

Increased rate of irresponsible plastic disposal in Kenya due to lack of proper waste management knowledge and skills

Early Warning Signs and Indicators –

  • Overflow of sewage in communities due to littered plastic waste blocking sewerage systems
  • Damaged flora as a result of dioxins emitted from excessive burning of plastics settling on crops and trees
  • Frequent breakout of respiratory diseases amongst community members due to inhalation of toxins emitted from burning of plastics
  • Death of both marine and terrestrial organisms due to chocking caused by plastic waste

Rapid Response Proposals –

  • Creating community awareness on the dangers of poor disposal and burning of plastic wastes
  • Educating the communities about the importance of implementing proper waste management techniques such as reusing, reducing and recycling.
  • Strategically setting up of sorting bins in Mariwenyi to ensure organic waste is used as manure and plastic waste is collected for proper recycling

Developing an automated alert system to inform waste management team whenever plastic bins are full so as to enable prompt waste collection for recycling

Worst Case Scenario

Global warming and loss of biodiversity due to emission of greenhouse gases from burning plastics

Efficient and Effective Interventions –

Reduce plastic manufacture at the industry level through promoting reuse and recycling of plastic waste

Collaborations and Partnerships –

  • Water and soft drinks bottling companies like Cocacola and Quencher
  • Recycling companies like Gjenge that turns plastic waste to bricks and Ecopost that makes poles from plastic waste
  • Taita Taveta county government

Resources Required

We require funds to carry out the awareness creation, making the sorting bins and distributing them around, research more on how GIS can help in plastic waste identification and collection
We don’t have any funds currently
We would like to raise 200,000 in year one

Implementation Level of the Proposed Solution –

Creation of awareness and design of the sorting bins

The Team

Nasubo Imelda – 0713275459 – Team Leader

Paul Njinu – 0798762251 – Designer

Moses Karanja – 0741809186 – Technical Adviser

Joyline Yego – 0792766282 – Secretary

Lewis Munyao – 0795462465 – Treasury

Registered Group

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