Training Day 3

2 thoughts on “Training Day 3


    Developing Structures and Mechanisms for Harvesting, Documentation and Sharing of Success Stories Demonstrating Outcomes and Impact Made by Likoni CDAC Interventions.

    The importance of harvesting, documenting and sharing Likoni CDAC community interventions success stories was discussed. The session noted the formation of the Likoni CDAC and its community engagement strategy as the first success story with the community feeling its presence through public participation processes and involvement in determining community projects of high interest.
    Chair shared the story of a girl saved from committing suicide following inability to secure school results and join University.
    The importance of continuous harvesting of success stories was discussed. For instance success stories could focus on local content opportunities demonstrating how implementation of various community projects was creating both direct and indirect economic benefits.
    The regular M & E reports would be one way to harvest and document stories, the magazine / communication CDAC team would be responsible to compile the success stories and share them with stakeholders through the magazine, social media platforms and other in person stakeholder engagement fora.
    Members were introduced to the Virtual Resource Centre and Business Hub Community Projects Profiling and Reporting tool to upload and share community projects success stories.
    The Virtual Resource Centre and Business Hub community projects profile sharing platform is basically a stakeholder feedback blog platform to share community projects progress and receive feedback from diverse stakeholders. Most of the information shared here is picked from the monthly reports. Most importantly the platform emphasis the need to bring out opportunities for project expansion and partnership. This is meant to influence other interested investors to consider contributing to the success of specific projects. The page can be used by investors and donors to align their community programs with key priority projects published on the platform.
    All prioritized projects for Likoni CDAC to feature on this platform for public awareness and for stakeholder engagements with a view to attracting strategic partnerships to amplify projected outputs, outcomes and long term impact among targeted beneficiaries.



    Story One:

    Community Members Feel More Involved through the CDAC Public Participation Engagements, Contrary to the Situation before Operationalisation of the Mining Act 2016 and Gazettment of the Community Development Agreement Committees.

    Story Two: Education Infrastructure and Bursary

    Student Rescued from Suicide Mission

    Story Three:
    Local Content Optimization – Direct and Indirect Economic Opportunities Realized.

    Story Four:
    Environmental Solutions Integrated with Economic Empowerment Opportunities for Likoni Youth and Women

    Story Five:
    Community Water Solutions

    Story Six:
    Improving Living Conditions for PWDs

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The Virtual Resource Centre and Business Hub Portal is a Community Empowerment Project of Ummah Initiative Group (UIG) Supported by Base Titanium

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